Benefits of Training

Physical Benefits

Exercising the Mind

Characteristics of
In Ji Yong

Training Approach

Self Defense Program

Weapons Training


Role of the Student

In Ji Yong Martial Arts

Training Approach

“The physical techniques, in themselves, mean nothing compared to the conceptual awareness they illustrate.”

Students enter martial arts training for many reasons (self defense, exercise, personal accomplishment, etc.), but the students who walk the path a while do so because they find the endeavor rewarding and enjoyable. Most will agree that there are answers to be found in the Training Hall. For some this means a way to gain a good work-out beyond the monotony of the typical, repetitious exercise regime. Training in the martial arts offers activity with a purpose. For others, training provides something deeper; a way of explaining who we are within this shell. The Instructors of In Ji Yong try to make training with our school a unique experience that is rewarding and enjoyable while providing the student with a depth of knowledge that has the potential to instill mastery. Simply put, by helping our students to learn, the teachers of our school further their own journey of discovery.

There is an extensive variety of exercises within the school of In Ji Yong that can be used to progress the student in their ability in the most efficient manner. The physical method consists of 5 levels with 3 over-laying stages of learning that stretch from novice to a high level of proficiency.

Different exercises incorporate a 5 range system meant to address the different horizontal and vertical ranges encountered in combat. Exercises against a wall or on the ground provide practical solutions to common problems faced in an actual altercation. Defenses against common weapons like firearms, knives, middle sticks (ex. baseball bat), and many more have been utilized to prepare a student for a variety of situations. Targeting for each exercise becomes gradually more specific as the student progresses. The student will be exposed to various other exercises at the appropriate time to build upon his or her prior knowledge. While these initial techniques fulfill the primary goal of making the student more able to defend themselves, there is a focused purpose to when the student is exposed to each technique.

The techniques themselves are only the expression of an underlying concept that is universal to the different exercises. By gaining exposure to these same concepts in a variety of exercises, the student will begin to see connections that will make their training easier to grasp and easier to apply. This is beneficial because no martial art can claim to totally prepare you for what might happen. This method will make it easier for the student to adjust what they have learned to the situation at hand. Once the student learns the basic techniques, they learn to perform the techniques spontaneously, which further helps the student to apply a functional technique to a random defensive situation. This method is proven to produce results.

The order in which the student receives techniques and exposure to different training exercises is carefully planned by considering the student’s current and potential ability. The student first learns the direct linear techniques. These are easier to do, so the beginning student will become more capable of defending themselves quickly. Then, the softer elements of the method (joint locks and body manipulation) are blended in at the appropriate time. This blending of soft and hard (um and yang) elements in training allows the student to progress in efficiency as well as overall skill in the art.

In summary, all the exercises converge on basic principles that guide the functionality of technique design. These exercises are carefully exposed to the student at the appropriate moment. What results is the most practical and efficient method a student can find, and they fit together in one complete system.

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